donderdag 8 december 2011

Cargo Commander Teaser !

A sneak peak at our upcoming downloadable unity arcade game Cargo Commander! Not a lot of illustration time but lots of 3D animation fun!

Music by Misha Velthuis, Jelle Himmelreich, Max Sombroek and Joeri de Graaf.
Audio by Max Sombroek, Erik Dost and Joeri de Graaf.
Font by Teo Tuominen

donderdag 3 november 2011

The Tablecloth Ghost

Beware of the tablecloth ghost, for he does not like to be spilled on!

donderdag 29 september 2011

Introducing the Cargo Commander!

Dear visitor! please visit our site for more information about our games at:

to keep posted on the progress of the game!

vrijdag 2 september 2011

My Serious Brew logo animation!

Here is the first version without audio of the logo animation I made for the game company I founded with my worthy colleague Maarten Brouwer! I hope I can post some of my art from the game we are working on, which hopefully will be any time soon. We are just going into beta testing EXCITING TIMES!

Ow and here is our website:

vrijdag 26 augustus 2011

Miss Muffins

Although the love of a man goes through his stomache, the lovely Miss Muffins is waiting for special pirate to love her, for more then her delicious muffins.

donderdag 7 juli 2011

Peg Leg Lee

Are you in dire need of some delicious noodles? Fear not Peg Leg Lee will swiftly deliver it to wherever your ship lies! Ofcourse good service comes with a price, he will take your woman and loot as a tip.

vrijdag 20 mei 2011

Jacques Crouton aka Breadbeard the Pirate

When the situation gets hairy, Jacques Crouton, Armed with a beard of mythical proportions filled with scrumptious Croutons, will attack any bland soup with great vigour and taste.

vrijdag 15 april 2011

Long John Silverwear

Armed with his silver knife he fights culinary injustice throughout the seven seas. His cooking skills are whispered in restaurants in ports from the caribbean to the British Isle. His silver leg is made by the finest silver, dedicated to his great love for mermaids.